india Vice President Venkayya Naidu on said technology can play a key role in taking education to the last mile by transcending barriers. He also called for “Indianising” the education system based on the country’s wealth of ancient wisdom and said the colonial education system has created an inferiority complex and diffidence in people.
Naidu said there is a need for a value-based transformation in the education system, as envisioned in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Referring to the important role of technology in democratising education, he said the untapped potential of the students can be harnessed for the larger good when education is taken to the last mile.
Naidu also emphasised the need for the country to emerge as a global hub of innovation, learning and intellectual leadership, according to a statement issued by the Vice President Secretariat. Inaugurating the Rishihood University here, Naidu recalled that India was once hailed as the “Vishwa Guru”.